
One of our avowed principles is the selection of handpicked experts in their field with leading emergency and transfer/ retrieval experience. We have a large number of predominantly Anaesthesia, Intensive Care (ITU/ICM) and Pre-Hospital Emergency Medicine (PHEM) physicians, and strong representation from all three UK Armed Forces services.

Our paramedics and nurses are similarly at the pinnacle of experience, with a majority representation as Critical Care Paramedics (CCP) with regular employment as part of UK HEMS and transfer services. 

Maintenance of an impeccable level of medical skills and clinical currency is imperative, and all are annually credentialed by an operational supervisory team with extensive retrieval medicine experience.

Examples of our clinicians:

  • Anaesthetics, Intensive Care (ITU) and PHEM consultant with over 10 years experience of retrieval and transfer work. Transfers have been conducted within the UK and internationally, including a dedicated paediatric service, and PHEM (UK HEMS) service in London, SE and the Midlands. 
  • ED and PHEM consultant with over 10 years experience of retrieval and transfer work. Experience includes PHEM (UK HEMS) in London and many years of Australasian retrieval including previously as a Medical Director. 
  • A professor and consultant in Anaesthesia, ITU and PHEM (UK HEMS). Over twenty years experience including flight physician in London and the North of UK. 
  • A Consultant in Emergency Medicine and PHEM with extensive experience in the UK military including set up of the ground transfer (MERT) capability. Significant operational experience, and experience as a Medical Director of a leading PHEM service. 
  • Paediatric Consultant Anaesthetist with international retrieval experience and UK HEMS. 
  • Anaesthetic and PHEM consultant with decades of experience of retrieval and transfer work. Transfers have been conducted within the UK and internationally, and PHEM (UK HEMS) in London, Midlands, East of England and Wales. 
  • An Anaesthetics and HEMS consultant and member of UK military. Transfer experience both in the civilian and military settings including maritime. 
  • An ITU and ECMO consultant with extensive international retrieval experience and working at a leading UK ECMO centre. 
  • A CCP with decades of experience and working as one of the Advanced Paramedic Practitioners for London Ambulance Service.
  • A CCP with Wales Air Ambulance and past experience in some of the most specialised units in the UK military, including a capability to move HCID patients.
  • A CCP with extensive service in London’s Air Ambulance.
  • A Paramedic with prior work in a UK HEMS service and also for NARU. This includes being one of the national (and international) leads on the use of a leading bio containment device.
  • A CCP in a UK HEMS unit and past experience in some of the most specialised units in the UK military. They also have spent recent years as an Advanced Clinical Practitioner in a London Major Trauma Centre.